Published Sep 23, 2024 4 mins Reading time Back to articles

The top five soft skills every manager should look for in new hires

In today's competitive job market, hard skills are important, but soft skills are what truly set high performers apart. When hiring for your team, identifying a candidate’s soft skills ensures they can adapt to the company culture, collaborate with peers, and manage workplace challenges effectively. This guide highlights five essential soft skills that every manager should look for in new hires and practical ways to identify them during the interview process.

Five must-have soft skills for new hires

Five must-have soft skills for new hires

Recruiters often focus on experience and qualifications, but it’s the intangible soft skills that predict a candidate's long-term success. Here are five critical soft skills you need to assess during the hiring process:

1. Communication

Why It Matters:

Good communication is the foundation of successful teamwork and client relations. Employees who can clearly express their ideas and listen to others ensure projects run smoothly and misunderstandings are minimised.

How to Identify:

During interviews, ask candidates to explain a complex concept or describe how they’ve handled a communication breakdown in a past role. Identify both their clarity in speaking and active listening skills during your interactions.

2. Problem-Solving

Why It Matters:

Employees with strong problem-solving skills take initiative when challenges arise. They are resourceful, can think critically, and contribute to innovative solutions that improve business operations.

How to Identify:

Pose hypothetical scenarios or ask about a real problem they solved at work. Look for candidates who approach issues methodically, balance creativity with logic, and can clearly articulate their thought process.

3. Adaptability

Why It Matters:

The modern workplace is constantly evolving, and employees must be able to adjust to new tools, processes, or challenges. Adaptable employees stay resilient and thrive in change, making them key assets in dynamic work environments.

How to Identify:

Ask candidates to share examples of times when they had to adapt quickly in a changing work environment. Look for those who demonstrate flexibility, eagerness to learn, and the ability to maintain focus during uncertainty.

4. Resilience

Why It Matters:

Resilient employees can navigate high-pressure situations, handle setbacks, and stay motivated. This skill is crucial for long-term productivity, especially in fast-paced or challenging roles.

How to Identify:

Ask candidates to describe how they handled a difficult situation or failure in the workplace. Their ability to bounce back, learn from mistakes, and maintain a positive outlook is a strong indicator of resilience.

5. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Why It Matters:

Emotional intelligence encompasses self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to manage emotions. Candidates with high EQ are better equipped to build strong relationships, handle conflict, and lead teams effectively.

How to Identify:

Ask candidates how they manage stress or deal with conflict in the workplace. Listen for examples that show they understand their own emotions and can empathise with others while maintaining professional composure.


While technical skills are essential, soft skills play a pivotal role in shaping an employee's long-term success within an organisation. By prioritising communication, problem-solving, adaptability, resilience, and emotional intelligence during the hiring process, managers can build a team that not only excels in their roles but also strengthens the company culture.

At Drake, we specialise in sourcing talent with the right blend of hard and soft skills to meet your business needs.
Contact the Drake team or submit a staff request today to start finding candidates who can drive your organization forward.


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